Conwy Castle


...Spooky Haunts & Tales Of The Otherworld

Completed more than 700 years ago by Edward I to suppress the Welsh, Conwy Castle certainly has plenty of secrets hidden within its walls. Perhaps the most frightening legend is the tale of two humble monks who have reputedly haunted it for centuries. It is believed that there was a monastery next to the castle and this pair of residents have never left. Appearing in their hooded robes, the monks are said to levitate in the air without moving, unnerving locals and tourists alike. It has been reported that their presence is so strong, dogs have refused to go into certain parts of the castle. Conwy Castle is run by Cadw.

Conwy Castle

  • Completed more than 700 years ago by Edward I to suppress the Welsh, Conwy Castle certainly has plenty of secrets hidden within its walls. Perhaps the most frightening legend is the tale of two humble monks who have reputedly haunted it for centuries. It is believed that there was a monastery next to the castle and this pair of residents have never left. Appearing in their hooded robes, the monks are said to levitate in the air without moving, unnerving locals and tourists alike. It has been reported that their presence is so strong, dogs have refused to go into certain parts of the castle. Conwy Castle is run by Cadw.

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